Chapter 3 Completing My Incompletes

3.1 First Leave Incompletes 2015

  • Shown in the table below, I was approved by professors to complete courses from my first leave. I was advised by student services that I would not be able to do said work, and that I should not petition as it would be a waste of time. I retook some courses, and allowed others to remain F’s on my transcript.
  • Being that I now understand that my first leave should have been a medical leave, and knowing now that others have been given the exception, I would like to either finish the courses, or have them taken off of my transcripts and have my federal aid refunded.

3.2 Second Leave Incompletes 2020

  • This leave was in great part due to the conditions around the pandemic, but it was also due to medical conditions, and a denial of loans due to my unrecognized independent student status. I lost my home for the second time at Cornell, and am now petitioning to finish those courses.